Resources to Support You and Your Patients Every Step of the Way

The resources below are here to help you support your patients and their families living with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). If your patient has TED, these resources can assist in managing your patient’s day-to-day challenges. If you are a patient, you can learn more from these important tools, or by visiting the Amgen By Your Side TEPEZZA® (teprotumumab-trbw) page for patients.

Read Transcript

Carol: When I'm going to be meeting with the patient and their family, explaining what my role is, I want them to understand that I will be a point person for them.

First and foremost, I'm there to listen to what their story is and then also let them know that I will be there to support them and ultimately to empower them.

I look at my role as being able to take as much off their plate as I can as they navigate that process, but also helping them understand in layman's terms where they are in the process and what they need to do on their end.

We don't want patients to feel that they're just out there alone and floating in the space of the unknown. We want patients to know they can reach out to us at any time or a family member or a caregiver, we're always available to them.

Amgen is definitely a company that puts patients first.

Additional Patient Resources

TEPEZZA Patient Advocacy Organizations for Those Living With Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)

  • Graves’ Disease & Thyroid Foundation

    The Graves’ Disease & Thyroid Foundation is a helpful resource for caregivers. They provide ongoing conferences geared toward those who have been impacted by Graves’ disease and TED.

  • Prevent Blindness

    Prevent Blindness is an organization that has a mission to preserve sight.

  • American Thyroid Association

    The American Thyroid Association is dedicated to transforming thyroid care through clinical excellence, education, scientific discovery, and advocacy in a collaborative community.

  • American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)

    AARDA helps autoimmune disease patients all over the world by connecting them to resources and information.

  • One Graves Voice

    A resource made possible through an unrestricted grant to the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation to connect, educate, and empower the Graves’ disease and TED communities.

TEPEZZA Patient Advocacy Organizations for Those Living With a Rare Disease

  • Global Genes

    Global Genes is a non-profit, advocacy organization for patients and families fighting rare and genetic diseases, including cystinosis. Its mission is to eliminate the challenges of rare disease.

  • National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

    NORD is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to people with rare diseases and the groups that help them. NORD provides patients and families with advocacy information, assistance programs, and connections to patient organizations.

  • EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases

    The EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases is dedicated to accelerating biotech innovation for rare disease treatments through science-driven public policy.

  • American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

    Expanding possibilities for those experiencing vision loss to create a world of no limits.

  • Bromberg & Associates

    Offering translation and telephonic interpretation for Spanish-speaking individuals and families impacted by TED.

  • National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

    Teaching alternative techniques that blind and low-vision people use to work, care for their homes and families, and engage in recreational activities.

  • Combat Blindness International

    Providing sustainable, equitable solutions for sight through partnerships and innovation.

  • Center for Chronic Illness

    A supportive web-based peer support group for those living with thyroid eye disease (TED).

  • Southeastern Guide Dogs

    Providing service dogs and skilled companion dogs for people with vision loss, those in need of emotional support and/or companionship.


TEPEZZA is indicated for the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease regardless of Thyroid Eye Disease activity or duration.



Infusion Reactions: TEPEZZA may cause infusion reactions. Infusion reactions have been reported in approximately 4% of patients treated with TEPEZZA. Reported infusion reactions have usually been mild or moderate in severity. Signs and symptoms may include transient increases in blood pressure, feeling hot, tachycardia, dyspnea, headache, and muscular pain. Infusion reactions may occur during an infusion or within 1.5 hours after an infusion. In patients who experience an infusion reaction, consideration should be given to premedicating with an antihistamine, antipyretic, or corticosteroid and/or administering all subsequent infusions at a slower infusion rate.

Preexisting Inflammatory Bowel Disease: TEPEZZA may cause an exacerbation of preexisting inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Monitor patients with IBD for flare of disease. If IBD exacerbation is suspected, consider discontinuation of TEPEZZA.

Hyperglycemia: Increased blood glucose or hyperglycemia may occur in patients treated with TEPEZZA. In clinical trials, 10% of patients (two-thirds of whom had preexisting diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance) experienced hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemic events should be controlled with medications for glycemic control, if necessary. Assess patients for elevated blood glucose and symptoms of hyperglycemia prior to infusion and continue to monitor while on treatment with TEPEZZA. Ensure patients with hyperglycemia or preexisting diabetes are under appropriate glycemic control before and while receiving TEPEZZA.

Hearing Impairment Including Hearing Loss: TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing impairment including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Assess patients’ hearing before, during, and after treatment with TEPEZZA and consider the benefit-risk of treatment with patients.


The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5% and greater than placebo) are muscle spasm, nausea, alopecia, diarrhea, fatigue, hyperglycemia, hearing impairment, dysgeusia, headache, dry skin, weight decreased, nail disorders, and menstrual disorders.

Please see Full Prescribing Information or visit for more information.

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TEPEZZA is indicated for the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease regardless of Thyroid Eye Disease activity or duration.



Infusion Reactions: TEPEZZA may cause infusion reactions. Infusion reactions have been reported in approximately 4% of patients treated with TEPEZZA. Reported infusion reactions have usually been mild or moderate in severity. Signs and symptoms may include transient increases in blood pressure, feeling hot, tachycardia, dyspnea, headache, and muscular pain. Infusion reactions may occur during an infusion or within 1.5 hours after an infusion. In patients who experience an infusion reaction, consideration should be given to premedicating with an antihistamine, antipyretic, or corticosteroid and/or administering all subsequent infusions at a slower infusion rate.

Preexisting Inflammatory Bowel Disease: TEPEZZA may cause an exacerbation of preexisting inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Monitor patients with IBD for flare of disease. If IBD exacerbation is suspected, consider discontinuation of TEPEZZA.

Hyperglycemia: Increased blood glucose or hyperglycemia may occur in patients treated with TEPEZZA. In clinical trials, 10% of patients (two-thirds of whom had preexisting diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance) experienced hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemic events should be controlled with medications for glycemic control, if necessary. Assess patients for elevated blood glucose and symptoms of hyperglycemia prior to infusion and continue to monitor while on treatment with TEPEZZA. Ensure patients with hyperglycemia or preexisting diabetes are under appropriate glycemic control before and while receiving TEPEZZA.

Hearing Impairment Including Hearing Loss: TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing impairment including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Assess patients’ hearing before, during, and after treatment with TEPEZZA and consider the benefit-risk of treatment with patients.


The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5% and greater than placebo) are muscle spasm, nausea, alopecia, diarrhea, fatigue, hyperglycemia, hearing impairment, dysgeusia, headache, dry skin, weight decreased, nail disorders, and menstrual disorders.

Please see Full Prescribing Information or visit for more information.

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